Jan A. M. van Laar, Aniki Rothova, Tom Missotten, Robert W. A. M. Kuijpers, P. Martin van Hage, Mirjam E. J. van Velthoven

van Laar et al., J Clin Transl Res, 2015; 1(2): 94-99
Published online: 30 September, 2015

This article is adapted and translated with permission from: Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.2013;157(38):A5703. 


Uveitis is associated with a wide range of underlying causes. Familiarity with its clinical manifestations, referral indications, and treatment strategies are required for the optimal use of current therapeutic options. Uveitis can be caused by infectious and non-infectious factors, resulting in differing prognoses and treatments. The treatment of chronic, non-infectious uveitis has profoundly changed in the last years due to the advent of biologicals, but also of intraocular therapies. In severe uveitis, treatment of the underlying cause, whether ocular or systemic, is required to prevent severe loss of vision. For these purposes, a multidisciplinary clinical approach is important, which is addressed in this review.
Relevance for patients: A broad understanding of the different causes of uveitis and the implementation of disease-tailored, multidisciplinary management of uveitis is expected to improve treatment outcomes for patients with different types of uveitis.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.201502.003

Author affiliation 

1 Department of Immunology and Internal Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2 Department of Ophthalmology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
3 Uveitis Service, Rotterdam Eye Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*Corresponding author: 
Jan A.M. van Laar
Department of Immunology and Internal Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 50 363 6163
E-mail: j.vanlaar@erasmusmc.nl

Handling editor: 
Marc De Smet
Specialized Eye Center for Uveitis and Retinal Diseases, Lausanne, Switzerland


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