Correlation between students’ Bruininks–Oseretsky test scores and cavity preparation performance on layered base plate blocks

Author(s): Ammar Musawi / Rami Al-Saidi / Shalini Bhatia / ... / Hamid Nurrohman

Bruininks–Oseretsky test 2 Innate hand skills


Establishment and characterization of patient-derived high-grade glioma cell lines, and validation of their tumorigenicity in murine xenograft model

Author(s): Natália Barreto / Valquiria Aparecida Matheus / Ingrid Mayara Cavalcante Trevisan / ... / Catarina Rapôso

Cancer cell lines Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) High-grade gliomas Human primary cell line


Impact of non-invasive ventilation immediately after extubation on clinical and functional outcomes in patients submitted to coronary artery bypass grafting: a clinical trial

Author(s): André Luiz Lisboa Cordeiro / Carolina Moura Silva / Kênia de Jesus Lima / ... / Luiz Alberto Forgiarini Júnior

Extubation Myocardial revascularization Non-invasive ventilation


Efficacy and safety of vonoprazan as a component of the first- and second-line eradication regimens for Helicobacter pylori: a real-life Egyptian study

Author(s): Abdelfattah Hanno / Magdy El-Dahshan / Tarek Youssef / ... / Mohamed S. Ahmed

Helicobacter pylori Proton-pump inhibitor Vonoprazan